Well, our office is currently in a closet. To get to it, you have to walk through the X-ray waiting area. So, as I entered the lobby, a patient in the waiting room cornered me.
"Are you X-ray?" he asked.
"No," I replied.
"Well, I’ve been waiting longer than everyone else here, and I still haven’t been called. I have a doctor’s appointment soon."
Gulp. What was I supposed to say? I wanted to ignore him, slip into the RT Cave, and take a break. But he had me cornered, and I felt pressure to respond.
"Um, I’ll go check," I said.
So I left the lobby… and went straight to the bathroom. Took my time. Putzed around the hall afterward, hoping he’d be gone when I came back.
No such luck. He was still there.
"Well? Are they coming?" he asked.
"Uh, your name is on the list. They should be out shortly."
He gave me a skeptical look. "I didn’t even tell you my name. How could you know it was on the list?"
Doh! Can’t win them all. Just another reason why we need to move the RT Cave out of the lobby—away from patients.